Gbizz APP
Gbizz App for employees at recycling sites
The GBizz App is the perfect tool for checking and registering company vehicles as well as required registration of hazardous waste delivered at recycling sites.
In addition to guiding and helping citizens and companies to get their waste delivered correctly, the staff also handles a number of control and registration functions. One of these functions is to make sure that companies that are using the recycling site also are paying for this service.
The right tool for the task
The GBizz App enables the staff to quickly and without having to leave the area to make use of an office PC, to carry out an onsite check and a possible registration of a commercial vehicles. Likewise, the App can be used to quickly register which company delivers hazardous waste and how much.
If the recycling site offers any sale of products or services, the site staff can also make a registration in the GBizz App of such a sale.
All entries, which are either registered by number plate cameras or wireless chip card readers, are forwarded to the GBizz App so that the site staff can see who has entered the recycling site.
Any administrative remarks on specific companies, will be displayed in the App´ if such a company is registered at the recycling site (eg. "Company bankruptcy")
The GBizz App has functions for bar code reading, online registration, onsite sale of products and services, weight registration of hazardous waste and general vehicle control.